“【自我说明】包含敏感字符,请重新输入。” ([Profile] contains sensitive
characters, please try again.) Note that for censorship of text chat,
triggering messages do not display this warning.
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Censorship Analysis
YY 7.1 downloads three different keywords lists:
Finance Keyword List (48 words) Source: http://do.yy.duowan.com/financekwordlist
These are keywords related to phishing scams. When received, YY prints the
following warning in the chat window:
The keywords are downloaded in plain text in UTF8-encoded XML.
Decoded "Normal" Keyword List (22 words) Source: http://do.yy.duowan.com/NormalKWordlist.txt
These are sensitive keywords that are asterisked out in the message before the
message is sent and that trigger a surveillance message back to YY's servers.
These keywords are downloaded as a base64-encoded list of UTF16-encoded
keywords each separated by a carriage return followed by a line feed.
Decoded "High" Keyword List (13,461 words) Source: http://do.yy.duowan.com/HighKWordlist.txt
These are sensitive keywords that cause the containing message to never be sent
and that trigger a surveillance message back to YY's servers. If a message
containing one of these keywords is somehow received, then that message will
show in the chat window as a blank message. These keywords are downloaded as a
base64-encoded list of UTF16-encoded keywords each separated by a carriage
return followed by a line feed.
Surveillance Analysis
When sending a word from the "Normal" or "High" lists above, a surveillance
message is sent via an HTTP GET request to a URL of the form:
<id> is a hash computed as
md5(⌊<seconds since unix epoch> /
1000⌋ + ";username=report;password=pswd@1234"), hex-encoded. Note
that the username and password in the hashed string are hardcoded; these are
not the username and password of the sender or receiver of the triggering
<content> is a base64-encoded string of the following
type=2;uid=<sending user id #>;touid=<receiving user id #>;keyword=<triggering keyword>;txt=<triggering message in its entirety>
In the version of YY analyzed, type is hardcoded to 2.
decode.py is a python script for automating the
decoding of the "normal" and "high" lists into plain text UTF8.